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Analgesics: Types and Uses

Introduction to Analgesics

Analgesics are medications designed to reduce or eliminate pain sensation, available both by prescription and over-the-counter.

Types of Analgesics

1. General Anaesthetics

Definition: Used in hospital settings to induce unconsciousness during major surgical procedures.

Examples: Administered via inhalation or intravenous methods to ensure no pain is felt by the patient.

2. Local Anaesthetics

Usage: Targeted numbing for specific areas of the body, reducing pain during localized procedures.

Applications: Commonly used in procedures like lumbar punctures, childbirth, and certain surgeries.

3. Topical Anaesthetics

Application: Applied directly to the skin’s surface for less invasive procedures requiring pain control.

Examples: Often used in the beauty industry for treatments that are mildly invasive but still require pain management.


Understanding the different types of analgesics helps in choosing the appropriate medication for pain relief across various medical and cosmetic procedures.