Safe Disposal of Medication

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Safe Disposal of Medication

Importance of Safe Medication Disposal

Ensuring Medication Integrity: Safe disposal is crucial due to medication shelf life and potential risks.

Guidelines for Safe Disposal

Checking Expiry: Always verify medication expiry before administration to ensure effectiveness.

  • Do not transfer medication between service users, even if identical.

Organisational Policy: Dispose of used and expired medication according to organisational guidelines.

  • Return all medication to the pharmacy that dispensed it.

Legal Considerations

Waste and Environmental Protection: Medication must not be disposed of in the sewage system.

  • Unused medications should be stored in a locked cupboard until disposal.

Post-Mortem Procedures: In case of a service user's death, retain all medication for seven days.

  • This is necessary in case of suspicious circumstances requiring audits.

Record Keeping

Documentation Importance: Maintain detailed records of medication given, refused, and disposal actions.

  • Ensure all documentation is signed and compliant with workplace agreements.

Controlled Drugs: Any controlled drugs returned to the pharmacy must be properly documented and accounted for.


To conclude, correct disposal of medication is paramount to avoid misuse and legal issues.

  • Adhere strictly to workplace policies and procedures for medication disposal.