Contra-Indications, Overdoses and Allergies

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Understanding Contraindications, Allergies, and Overdoses in Medication Administration

Contraindications and Safe Medication Administration

Contraindications: Reasons why certain medications should not be administered.

  • Nurofen (Ibuprofen) should not be given to individuals with stomach problems, and must be taken with food to prevent stomach ulcers.
  • Paracetamol should be avoided for those with liver issues or alcohol dependency.
  • Warfarin users should avoid other blood-thinning medications like aspirin.

Managing Allergic Reactions

Allergies: Identifying and managing allergic reactions to medications.

  • Check the Medication Administration Record (MAR) chart for known allergies marked in red.
  • Be vigilant for signs of anaphylactic shock, such as laboured breathing and facial swelling.
  • Immediate action required; call emergency services if severe symptoms occur.

Monitoring for Side Effects and Overdoses

Side Effects and Overdoses: Importance of monitoring and preventing medication errors.

  • Monitor individuals closely after initial medication administration.
  • Report any observed side effects promptly to the GP.
  • Be aware that side effects may manifest after subsequent doses.
  • Avoid accidental overdoses by tracking all medication intake, especially when multiple doses are involved.

Preventing Medication Misuse and Overdoses

Ensuring Compliance and Safety: Strategies to prevent medication misuse and accidental overdoses.

  • Ensure individuals take medication as prescribed and observed.
  • Do not re-administer medication found in vomit; document and inform the line manager and GP.
  • Prevent stockpiling of medications by closely monitoring intake and disposal.
  • Immediate action required if overdose is suspected; alert emergency services promptly.

Conclusion: Adhering to contraindications, managing allergies, and preventing overdoses are critical in ensuring safe and effective medication administration.