Role of the Pharmacist

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Role of the Pharmacist and Types of Medications

Understanding the Role of the Pharmacist

Pharmacists play a crucial role in ensuring safe medication dispensing and providing essential advice.

Dispensing and Advising on Medications

Their responsibilities include:

  • Safe Dispensing: Ensuring correct dispensing of prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
  • Information Source: Providing guidance on medication storage, administration, and usage.
  • Advice to Patients: Offering comprehensive advice on medication use, including who it's for, purpose, correct usage, precautions, disposal, and more.

Types of Medications Available from Pharmacists

Medications available for purchase can be classified into two main categories:

  • General Sales List (GSL): Available in supermarkets and corner stores, suitable for general use.
  • P Medicines: Available only from registered pharmacist premises, ensuring supervision and specific usage due to potency or quantity restrictions.

These classifications prevent misuse and ensure medications are used safely and appropriately.