Medication Further Learning Summary

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Summary of Medication Management in Healthcare

Overview of Medication Handling and Types

Definition and Types: Understanding medication and its categories.

  • We defined medication and explored its various types.
  • Medication categories include antibiotics, painkillers, and treatments for abnormal cells (fungal and cancer).
  • These types function either by fighting cell function, interfering with cell function, or combating abnormal cells.

Importance of Hygiene in Medication Handling

Hygiene Practices: Maintaining cleanliness and safety during medication administration.

  • Adopt a no-touch policy whenever possible.
  • Handle medication with the same care as food.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after administering medication.
  • Ensure correct administration: right person, right medication, right time, right dose, right route, right method.
  • Respect the patient's right to refuse medication.
  • Document every step of the medication administration process meticulously.

Management of Prescribed and Controlled Medications

Storage and Accountability: Secure storage and handling procedures for medications.

  • Prescribed medications are stored in a lockable area.
  • Controlled drugs require additional security with a separate lockable area within the cabinet.
  • Administration of controlled drugs necessitates two signatures: one administering and one witnessing.
  • Controlled drugs are strictly for the named patient and should never be given to another individual.
  • Maintain a clear paper trail from the arrival of medication to its disposal, including unused or expired medications.