POM and Controlled Medications - Pharmacist

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POM and Controlled Drugs Explained

Prescription-Only Medications (POM)

Definition: Prescription-only medications (POM), as the name suggests, require a prescription from a qualified prescriber.

Prescribers: Initially limited to doctors, POMs can now be prescribed by nurse prescribers, pharmacist prescribers, and other authorized prescribers depending on their training and qualifications.

Differences Between POM and Controlled Drugs

Similarity: Controlled drugs are also prescription-only medications.

Categories of POM: Include analgesics, antibiotics, medications for heart conditions, and arthritis treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals for diagnosed conditions.

Controlled Drugs: These medications are classified as controlled due to their potency and potential for abuse.

Examples: Categories like opioid derivatives, classified as controlled drugs, require strict regulation and supervision.

Legislation: Controlled drugs are regulated under specific legislation to prevent misuse and ensure they are used appropriately for medical purposes.