Reporting Mistakes

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Handling Medication Errors: Safety and Reporting

Ensuring Safety After a Medication Error

Immediate Actions: Steps to take if a medication error occurs.

  • Ensure the safety of the client or service user affected.
  • Document the error immediately and inform your line manager.
  • If necessary, notify the GP or emergency services.
  • Remain with the client until further instructions are received.

Importance of Honesty and Documentation

Honest Reporting: Key principles in reporting medication errors.

  • Be honest and transparent about any mistakes made.
  • Do not attempt to cover up errors; document everything accurately.
  • Inform your line manager, GP, and emergency services as required.

Safeguarding and Disciplinary Actions

Safeguarding Concerns: Understanding the implications of medication errors.

  • Medication errors are treated as safeguarding issues.
  • Disciplinary action may be taken based on the severity of the error.
  • Staff administering medication have a heightened responsibility.

Conclusion: Prioritising the health and wellbeing of service users involves prompt action, honest reporting, and understanding the potential consequences of medication errors.